Milk Thistle for Mood Swings

Milk Thistle for Mood Swings from Wile

Mellow Mood Swings with Milk Thistle

Meet ragey, weepy, overwhelmed and despairing. They aren’t a goth version of Snow White’s dwarves, just some of the many moods of your 40s and maybe 50s. You may be seeing new sides of your emotionality lately, or worse, getting commentary from loved ones on how “on edge” you’ve been. 

It’s not you: 23% of women report moodiness during perimenopause, and we suspect that even more are out there. Sure, you’re not the only one. But why white knuckle it? This is why we developed Wile Un-Anger tincture with mellowing milk thistle. This prickly plant is packed with nutritious compounds to support mood, mind and body. 

Why We Love Milk Thistle

  • Increases feelings of well-being without causing a crash later on. 
  • Like all our favorite herbs and ingredients, milk thistle addresses multiple concerns relevant to changing hormones and perimenopause. It supports emotional well-being, and milk thistle has neuroprotective and bone-strengthening powers to keep your mind and body well. 
  • It’s anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antioxidant-rich. Milk thistle is a great herb for overall health and well-being. 
  • Bonus: it’s long been linked to liver health, which is increasingly important for women (and our metabolisms) as we grow older. 

Key Benefits: 

Mood stabilizing & enhancing - Milk thistle contains a powerful compound called sylimarin that can act on your serotonin receptors. This accounts for milk thistle’s potent mood-boosting power! Unlike many pharmaceuticals that interact with your serotonin receptors, there’s no record of milk thistle causing side effects or a mood slump when you don’t use it. Research also suggests that the sylimarin in milk thistle could be used to relieve symptoms of occasional depression, anxiety, OCD, and PTSD. 

Brain health - For over 2000 years, milk thistle has been used to guard against brain decline. The high concentration of antioxidants in milk thistle, along with its anti-inflammatory properties, can ward off brain fog — great news for everyone who walks into a room, then gazes blankly at the walls for a clue as to why they came here in the first place. In addition to the brain-boosting benefits that can serve you in the here and now, there’s mounting evidence that the compounds in milk thistle can protect against developing Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease in the future. Keep an eye on the research, because this is one herb to watch!

Strengthens bones - Weakened bones and elevated risk of osteoporosis is yet another unwanted effect of lowered estrogen levels in grown women. One study found that milk thistle had comparable effects to estrogenic isoflavone, a common medication for bone health after menopause. Like its liquid namesake, this plant is great for your bones!

Traditional Uses:

Along with milk thistle’s millennia of use as a mood and brain health tonic, it is also a traditional treatment for liver and gallbladder ailments. Scientific research backs this up!  

About Milk Thistle: 

This plant has tough, spiny, green leaves with white markings and a purple, fluffy-looking flower. Most of the medicinal compounds are found in the seeds. Milk thistle is native to Europe, but has spread all over the globe. 

Folklore says that the white markings on milk thistle leaves come from the Virgin Mary’s milk, which explains the folkloric names Saint Mary’s thistle and blessed milkthistle. Other common names include Scotch thistle, Mediterranean milk thistle, and variegated thistle.

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Things to Know about Milk Thistle:

Milk thistle is very safe for most people, but it may interact with some medications that are broken down in the liver. If you take medication regularly, check with your doctor before you start taking milk thistle. 

Some people are sensitive to milk thistle and may experience a minor stomach ache or a mild laxative effect when they take it.  

Milk thistle isn’t recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding people.

Clinical Research




This article is intended for informational purposes and is not intended to replace a one-on-one medical consultation with a professional. Wile, Inc researches and shares information and advice from our own research and advisors. We encourage every woman to research, ask questions and speak to a trusted health care professional to make her own best decisions.
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