Get the most from Period Support

Improvements within 1 cycle.

Full benefits in 2-3 months.

Will not interfere with contraception.

Pair with 40+ Hormonal Wellness for even better results.
Receive 20% off every item you add with code MORE20
CONTINUE TO CARTSuddenly spotting? Skipping? Heavy? 40+ Period Support can help as your hormones naturally start to shift:
As a dietary supplement, take two (2) capsules daily or as recommended by a healthcare professional.
Dong quai root extract — 315mg
Fennel seed — 300mg
Chaste tree fruit extract — 200mg
Cramp bark — 200mg
Licorice root — 200mg
Worth every penny. It helps with physical and emotional issues from my period. I feel like a new person :)KHJH
Best month I’ve had in years. Couldn’t be happier.♥️ANcJN
I really didn’t think this supplement would help but it did…this little pill did make a difference in all the ways it claims to!Sunshineaj22
“Female ginseng” is a go-to in Traditional Chinese Medicine for all things PMS: mood, cramps, bloating and tender breasts.
Shown in multiple studies to alleviate cramps as well as synthetic OTC pain relievers.
The name says it all, studies show it alleviates cramps, PMS and acts as an natural muscle relaxant.
Helps your cycle, period pain, PMS & perimenopausal symptoms.
Phytoestrogenic herb shown to help periods, cramps and perimenopausal symptoms.
Improvements within 1 cycle.
Full benefits in 2-3 months.
Will not interfere with contraception.
Pair with 40+ Hormonal Wellness for even better results.