Weird Perimenopausal Symptoms: Surprising Body Changes After 40

No one ever told us sri racha may be off the table

 Weird Perimenopause Symptoms: Surprising Body Changes After 40 from Wile

What is happening???!!!
Even if perimenopause feels far away, our hormones start changing around our late 30s to early 40s.
What we may not have realized, but soon will? The hormones cycling through us all these years didn’t just drive periods or fertility. Hormones are behind a lot of functions in our bodies. 
If you’re noticing any of these changes and wondering what’s going on, welcome to the Shift. You may be seeing these as early hormonal changes that signal perimenopause is coming. Or possibly, that perimenopause has arrived. 

You can’t work out like you once did.

Those HIIT workouts hitting back harder? You may find less “go” in your muscles, getting fatigued earlier or fidning it more difficulty to hit or sustain the same intensity level as not that long ago. And yes, those muscles may feel more sore or tweak a bit earlier. It’s the loss of estrogen.

Your sense of taste may change.

Does the 4 at your favorite Thai place suddenly seem like a five? Are you feeling like Goldilocks where everything is too hot, too bitter, too salty? Flavors may seem stronger as your mouth gets drier.

You’re tingling. And not in a sexy way.

You may feel a not-quite-asleep tingling in your hands, arms, feet or legs. It could feel like pins and needles, or just a little electric movement. This is due to a hormonal flux hitting your central nervous system, and typically passes in a few minutes.

You itch.

Believed to be the result of declining collagen production, you may notice your skin feels more itchy than you ever did.

Your contacts lenses are suddenly uncomfortable.

Changing hormones mean your body gets drier—everywhere. Drier eyes could show up with blurry vision, more sensitivity to contacts or more redness.

Your screen time is now hard on your eyes 

More eyestrain after being on a computer all day and your phone most of the night? Yep, that can be drier eyes, too.

Your heart is racing.

Oprah made perimenopausal heart palpitations famous - and thank God, since many doctors weren’t making the connection. But talk to your doctor and get a full checkup, heart disease is the #1 cause of death for women yet it’s often overlooked. 
Changes in estrogen can also raise blood pressure and cholesterol so be sure to get blood work and a full check up, too. 

What can you do? 

Many of these hormonal changes are related to changing estrogen, so talk to your doctor about ways to supplement. Not everyone is a candidate for synthetic or bioidentical hormones, and phytoestrogens are a great option naturopaths, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda and other plant medicines rely on. 

It’s never too early (or late) to try Wile Perimenopause Support supplement. It includes proven phytoestrogens, nervines and adaptogens that can help you feel and function better. 
Our studies show changes in mood, energy, sleep and hormonal fluctuations in 2 to 3 weeks, with benefits building after that. 
These ingredients balance the systems that bring your endocrine, nervous and adrenal systems to a healthier baseline. This helps you get ahead of transitions so you suffer less from any symptoms ahead, while helping you feel better in the here and now.


Photo credit: Annie Spratt, Unsplash 


This article is intended for informational purposes and is not intended to replace a one-on-one medical consultation with a professional. Wile, Inc researches and shares information and advice from our own research and advisors. We encourage every woman to research, ask questions and speak to a trusted health care professional to make her own best decisions.
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